Sydney Kicks Off Vegas With Sir Elton John

In On Location on April, 14 2012

Hello from Las Vegas! I’ve been here for a little over a day and I’m having a great time. The food, bright lights, hotels, late-store hours (’til midnight), slot machines, entertainment, and total lack of sleep are some of what make up Sin City; it’s a combination of wild fun and over-the-top perfection.

I kicked off my first day in Vegas by spending the day at Caesars Palace; I’m not exaggerating when I say day; approximately 12 hours.

I spent the first half walking around and having lunch at Spago, and the second half was spent at a delicious dinner at Joe’s Stone Crab following a very special performance.

I had the pleasure of going to see Sir Elton John’s Million Dollar Piano concert; he’s doing a special gig at the hotel and is truly incredible.

He sang some of my favorite songs including “Tiny Dancer” and “Bennie and the Jets”, performed on a LED piano, which he named Blossom, and interacted with the audience throughout the 2 hours that he performed without intermission.

I’ve been playing the piano for over a decade, so to see his skills in person was incredible.  He is a true pro and is an honor to watch.

Right before the doors opened to the theater, I took a quick picture with the Caesars Palace characters; talk about a show!

with style,