Why your cosmetics don’t work: tips from the experts

In Beauty on December, 25 2023

If you find that some cosmetics are not giving you the expected results, there are a few common reasons why this may be happening. Here are some expert tips on how to deal with this situation:

  1. Not matching your skin type: The first step is to make sure that the cosmetics you choose are suitable for your skin type. Each skin type requires a different approach to skin care, and using unsuitable products can cause unwanted effects.
  2. Lack of regularity of use: Cosmetic products, especially those designed for skin care, require regular and long-term use. Results will not always be visible immediately after the first application.
  3. insufficient dosage: Some cosmetic products require more generous application than you are used to. Make sure you use enough product to allow it to perform its function.
  4. Changing products: If you change cosmetics frequently, you may not give them enough time to take effect. Going through too many different products can unbalance your skin.
  5. Product incompatibility: Some cosmetic products may not be compatible with each other. Make sure you don’t use products that can interact with each other and cause problems.
  6. Skin Reaction: Your skin may react to certain ingredients in a product, causing irritation or an allergic reaction. If you suspect an allergy or irritation, stop using the product and consult a dermatologist.
  7. Taking other medications: Some medications and drugs may affect your skin and may interact with cosmetics. Make sure you inform your doctor about any medications you are taking.
  8. Lack of hygiene: Proper use of cosmetics also includes maintaining hygiene. Avoid coming in contact with the product with dirty hands or applicators.
  9. Product Aging: Cosmetic products have an expiry date. If the product is outdated or has not been stored properly, its effectiveness may be diminished.
  10. Consult a professional: If you have a serious skin problem or your cosmetics are not working, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. They can provide you with personalised recommendations and skin care solutions.

It’s important to remember that every skin is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with products and methods, but always consult a professional if necessary for the best results.